Climate Change Green tips for a cleaner environment
7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Want to save some dollars while conserving the environment? Even few simple changes around your home can reduce your carbon footprint. From opting for a shower instead of a bath to supplying your own reusable bags at the grocery store, you can prevent waste and pollution. Take a look at some fixes that will have you living greener in no time.
1. Dial it down. Moving your thermostat down just two degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
2. Turn it off. Artificial lighting accounts for 44 percent of electricity use in office buildings. Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you’re leaving any room for 15 minutes or more. Same goes for electronics; switch off power strips and unplug electrical devices when you’re not using them.
3. Use cold water. Using cold water can save up to 80 percent of the energy required to wash clothes. Choosing a low setting on the washing machine will also help save water.
4. Switch to e-billing. In the United States, paper products make up the largest percentage of municipal solid waste, and hard copy bills alone generate almost 2 million tons of CO2. Save paper by signing up for e-billing.
5. Buy local. In North America, fruits and vegetables travel an average of 1,500 miles before reaching your plate. Buy fresh, local food to eliminate the long distances traveled and preserve nutrients and flavor.
6. Recycle. You can recycle plastic bottles, paper, electronics and batteries, among other items. Learn how to properly dispose of or recycle these products and reduce consumer waste.
7. Go solar. Powering your home with solar panels can reduce your electric bills, shrink your carbon footprint and increase your home’s value.
Pledge to help our planet and the wildlife we share it with by powering more of your life with renewable energy.
Published on: Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 01:58 am ▪ Last update: Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 02:35 am ▪ Total View of this Page: 1184